Why Chefs are Better at Life

As Chef Appreciation Week comes to an end, we want to raise a glass a toast to all the epic chefs out there that forge new paths in the kitchen, push the culinary boundaries of what it means to cook, plate, dice, and sauté, and acknowledge just how much you much you do for all of us. To round out our week of celebrating chefs, we thought we’d share some of the best parts about being a chef, and how you guys are just better at life, in and out of the kitchen.

Happy Chef Appreciation Week, read on for five ways chefs are just plain better at life!

1. They’re TOUGH

14 – 16 hours are the norm in most kitchens, with late nights, holidays, and weekends pretty much the norm work days in the industry. If people have it off, you’re probably working, and guess what – you’re way more bad ass for it. Cook. Sleep. Slay. Repeat. All in day’s work for you.

2. Chefs have the best toys ever

And we’re not just talking blades (even though those are way cool), but also state-of-the-art mixers, fancy cutting boards, the best stock pots, and of course, everyone’s favorite sous vide. You have access to the best tools in the kitchen, and you use them to make mind-blowing creations, each and every day.

3. Chefs work with the coolest ingredients

From rare truffles, fine wines, freshly caught fish, and the best seasonal produce around, chefs know where to source the best ingredients from around the globe (not to mention their own backyard).

4. Chef uniform > suit and tie

Innovative fabricson trend colorsnew styles and old favorites, being a chef has never been so fashionable. With jackets built to perform, you’re more than ready to take on the heat of the kitchen. So no stuffy tie and jacket for you – instead, you get cool aprons and even better accessories.

5. Chefs are the ultimate trendsetters

No doubt about it – chefs are the ultimate trendsetters when it comes to what goes on your plate. From the rise of turmeric, “ugly” veggies, fried chicken, and yes, deconstructed everything, chefs are constantly pushing the envelope, introducing new ingredients, preparation methods, and plating ideas to the table. Some, like Thomas Keller, Danny Meyer, and René Redzepi has helped to redefine food as we know it. Who knows what the future holds, but if the past is any indication, it’s going to be tasty!



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