Chef of Chef Works: MOLLY PAYNE

Chef of Chef Works : July 2024

Name: Chef Molly Payne

Location: Mobile across the UK

Social media: @_bymollyinsta @bymollyfb

Role: Chef & owner of byMölly, a mobile catering business

This month we spoke to Chef Molly Payne: MasterChef The Professionals finalist and owner of ByMolly private chef business. Her role is so diverse as no two menus are the same allowing for so much creativity and keeping every work day different!

1. Kitchen description:

I rent a kitchen in Rothwell, Leeds above a restaurant. Here I prepare all of the food that we take to customers’ houses, corporate events and holiday homes. The kitchen is small and perfect for me to keep on top of with day-to-day jobs. I’ve everything here and I love going in to work every day.

2.What was your first job in the industry?

I started working in my hometown French bistro when I was twelve years old. I begged my mum to take me to the bistro with a written letter (this was my CV at the time!) to give to the owner. I had done my research on his bistro to see if he’d let me start off by doing prep work, the rest was history! I stayed there for ten years, working my way up to Head Chef and winning awards which was pretty cool.

3.Favourite chef works item and why?

It has to be the short sleeved Rochester chef jacket. It’s clean, looks professional and I love the zip part of the jacket too. It fits beautifully, as sometimes I find chef jackets can be quite baggy, this one is fitted but not too much and looks sleek in the design and detail, I also love the button on the back of the neck to allow me to keep my apron up. It’s important for byMölly to arrive at all events looking immaculate and professional. The Rochester chef jacket just suits me perfectly.

Chef Molly wearing Chef Works Rochester Chef Coat & Largo Bib Apron

4.Favourite cookbook?

It’s got to be Larousse Gastronomique by Prosper Montagné. This book was always with me (so heavy!)when I first started out in my career and still is to this day. I owe a lot to this book, it’s certainly my go-to for inspiration.

 5.Your awards and career highlights:

I’m very lucky to say there are many of these. My first personal award and career highlight was winning the ‘Best Chef’ Oliver award when I was twenty. I am still to this day the youngest, and only female, to win the award which is an amazing personal achievement.

This year, byMölly won the ‘Best Speciality’ award which was an incredible feeling, to have built a private chef business from the ground up and be acknowledged for the hard work and dedication that goes into each day.

Another big one is being on MasterChef. It was a scary jump, to use as a boosting platform for the sake of the business, as well as gain experience and  soak up as much as I could whilst on the series. I absolutely loved every second of it, even the tough times, because they contributed to me  having such an awesome time.

Chef Molly Payne appearing on MasterChef The Pros 2023

6.Your cooking inspiration?

My Mum. When I was growing up she would be working late and not really eat the best when she’d come home. I wanted to be able to have a nice meal ready for her and once I’d got a taste of cooking from a young age, that’s when I knew being a chef was the best path for me. The experimenting and testing dishes that she loves is what gave me the drive to be a successful chef.

7.Your Speciality creation:

It’s got to be the Scallops I cooked in the critics round on MasterChef. Since then, a huge number of clients request it when we build their bespoke menu, because the feedback from the judges was amazing.

Pan Fried King Scallops, Onion Bhaji, Curried Cauliflower and Coconut Milk Puree with Pickled Raisins, Micro Coriander and Coriander Oil

8.Your Favourite dish and why?

This is going to shock a few people, but my favourite dish is Chicken Dippers, Crinkle Cut Chips and Baked Beans! I know, it’s so bad to say when the food I cook each day includes the highest quality and finest ingredients but I just love a picky freezer tea. I think the pleasure that many other chefs can agree on is feeding people. Watching them devour my food makes me feel euphoric. After a long day cooking, I like to have simple, easy food, I genuinely look forward to having a picky tea when I get home.

9.Weirdest thing you ever ate:

It’s got to be frogs legs. I was only around fifteen at the time and they were on the menu at a bistro I used to work at. It tasted like chicken but still freaked me a little to think it was frog!?

10.Favourite ice cream flavour?

Mint Chocolate Chip all day! It’s my favourite to go to when I’m treating myself. I enjoy it with anything chocolate and have had it on multiple menus throughout byMölly.

11.Favourite family recipe?

A Sunday Roast. The power that a roast has within families is immense. It brings everyone together and has a certain ‘hustle & bustle’ about it. Growing up we would lay it  out on a big table and everyone would tuck in. Yeah, a Sunday Roast reminds me of being a kid and it’s definitely a Northern family get together meal.

Roast Beef Sunday Roast – a staple of Chef Molly

12.Favourite wine?

Malbec. Again, my first Head Chef drank it, and he was the one who first introduced me to Malbec. From then it has a place in my heart and I go too after a big shift in the kitchen to help me wind down in the evening.

13.Who would you most like to cook for?

I would have liked to cook for Michel Roux Senior, his books taught me a lot growing up and making my way up the ladder as a Chef. To be able to have cooked for him and listen to the stories he’d be able to from his experiences would have been incredible.

14.Who would you least like to cook for?

To be honest, I’d rather not cook for a harsh food critic. My meals are simply prepared tastes on a plate, they are unpretentious. While I welcome constructive criticism at all times, I can happily admit my plating is simple.

15.What’s your favourite thing to do when not cooking?

I like to take my dog for big walks and spending time with my family. Finding balance is sometimes hard, as there’s always so much to do, but I’ve definitely got better at separating my work and home life. I do also enjoy a cheeky pint or two when football is on!

16.What is your most recent project?

It would be organising summer pop-ups. Since starting our journey, we realised there’s a hell of a lot of establishments out there that have the facilities but no chef’s to offer food alongside drinks. The last couple of months we’ve had a lot of meetings with businesses in Yorkshire to offer a byMölly pop up, which in return brings in more custom for them, and it keeps it exciting for the byMölly team too.

Chef Molly Payne thriving in her Kitchen

17.Favourite city?

Dublin, this place holds a very special place in my heart. I’d go every week if I could!

18.Your Greatest indulgence?

It’s pretty bad, but I love Marvellous Creations Dairy Milk Chocolate bars. It’s my soft spot for sure as I’ve got a very sweet tooth and I can eat my way through a big bar of that on my own

19.And finally your best culinary tip?

Stay true to your style of cooking and run with it. Know what your goals are and strive to achieve them. Even if you go sideways working your way to your goals, that’s okay. Keep going, and be the best that you can be each day.

 Photography: Joe @photojmo food courtesy of @_bymollyinsta.



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